Where pundits go to laugh a while…

Tag Archives: Obama

The party of total transparency has transparently shown how, even among their own delegates, they cannot run a legitimate vote…no wonder dems are against voter ID laws…

This piece in the Washington Post by Jennifer Rubin on how to gauge the depth of the tank the media is in for Obama caught my eye…follow the link to read the whole story, but I’ve included the first couple here to give the flavor of the piece.

3. Interest in the recall campaign against Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) declines in inverse proportion to his chances of winning. The race is now considered simply “local” politics.

6. When Romney declines to discuss the distraction of the week (e.g., paycheck “fairness” legislation), he is ducking an important issue and refusing to tell us his position. Obama’s decision to offer no concrete plan on entitlement reform is either smart politics or, once again, ignored.

7. Story after story on Mormonism are, we read, essential to understanding what makes Romney tick. The Rev. Jeremiah Wright is old news (and verging on racism to bring it up), and it’s none of our business how frequently Obama goes to church.

8. There is next to no coverage of the defense sequestration  cuts. The president is not asked about his defense secretary’s assertion that the planned cuts are “devastating” to our national coverage.

I used to draw political cartoons and the ones I’ve posted so far are a sample…of course I know they are dated, but I think some still have some relevance…you decide

When the Obamites came for the rich,

I remained silent;
For I was not rich.

When they attempted to force “Card check” on the factory workers,

I remained silent;
For I was not a factory worker.

When they silenced talk radio with the “Fairness Doctrine”,

I did not speak out;
For I was not a talk radio host.

When the Obamites made gay-marriage the law of the land,                                                                

I said nothing;

For I was already married.

When they made abortion free on demand,

I remained silent;
For I was not a fetus.

When they legalized euthanasia,

I remained silent;
For I was not old or infirmed.

When they came for me,

there was no one left to speak out.